Special Orders
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t be so quick to leave! Some products that we don’t keep in stock can be ordered from our current suppliers. Our store advisors will happily try to obtain the product that suits your needs.
Find out more on site or by phone. To find a store nearby, we invite you to search by postal code using our store locator.
Timeframe for Reception of a Special Order
The timeframes vary according to the items ordered and according to the suppliers. The store will inform you of the approximate timeframe before placing your order.
A deposit will be required before placing your special order. This deposit is not refundable if the goods are not collected.
Return of a Special Order
Generally, a special order cannot be returned, refunded, or exchanged, since it is made especially for you.
If we agree to take back a special order, return costs may be required. Also note that shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. Returns made using our delivery trucks are subject to additional handling and freight charges.
At all times, Patrick Morin reserves the right to refuse a return or an exchange.